Friends & Family Test

The Friends and Family Test has been created to provide services with the ability to identify the areas that service users feel that need improvement as well as recognising good practice in the quality of care provided to NHS patients and service users. By asking service users if they would recommend the service to their friends and family, it allows services to capture the level of care that they are providing and how they can aim to improve it. The test has been put into place to ensure the NHS remains vigilant to ensure that patients are not subjected to poor quality of care in the future.

Please find the form below.

Thank you for recently visiting our surgery. We would like a few moments of your time to help us improve our quality of care. For this we ask that you fill out the questionnaire below which is called the Friends and Family Test.

The Friends and Family Test has been created to provide services with the ability to identify the areas that service users feel that need improvement as well as recognising good practice in the quality of care provided to NHS patients and service users. By asking service users if they would recommend the service to their friends and family, it allows services to capture the level of care that they are providing and how they can aim to improve it. The test has been put into place to ensure the NHS remains vigilant to ensure that patients are not subjected to poor quality of care in the future.

For further information regarding the Friends and Family Test, please download the leaflet.

We would like you to think about your experience in the surgery during this visit.

Friends and Family Test (Maples Variant)
How likely are you to recommend our surgery to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment? *

Please do not include personal identifiable details about yourself or any other person.

All responses are anonymous and confidential.

Your response to the first question contributes to our Friends and Family Test score, which is shared with the public.

Your response to the second (and any subsequent) question may be published, for example, as part of a patient experience report.

Please tick the box below if you do not wish your second (and any subsequent) response to be included in any publications or reports we may produce.

June 2024

Extremely Likely 24% Likely 45% Neither Likely or Unlikely 30% Unlikely 0% Extremely Unlikely 0 0% Don’t Know 0%