
Having reviewed our most recent GP patient survey results and other feedback, in order to further improve experiences for our patients, the partnership at Maples Family Medical Practice has reassessed our appointment system.

This review has also included the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on how we have all had to adapt and work differently. We have therefore decided to terminate the daily morning ‘Sit & Wait’ surgeries with immediate effect, and switch to a telephone triage system instead.

This will be for GP/Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) / Minor Illness Nurse appointments only:

GP/Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) – Same day service – telephone call-back first

Phone us on the day you would like to discuss your problem – you must be available to be seen face to face if appropriate.


  • Telephone us on 01455 234576, option 1 to speak to the reception team who will allocate you a telephone appointment. Our telephone lines open at 8:30AM. You will be asked for the clinical nature of your call so the GP/ANP can prioritise their schedule. You may not necessarily get a telephone appointment with your preferred clinician, due to demand/capacity and sharing of the workload amongst all available clinicians on the day.


  • Book your telephone slot online using SystmOnline
  • Currently this service is not live for a telephone appointment but you can book into certain clinics such as cytology appointments.

Booking Online

In order to create an online appointment list, we have to use time slots, but this is NOT the time you will be called. This is something we CANNOT change so please do not expect to be called at the time you have booked.

Morning telephone calls are available 8:30AM – 12:30PM

Afternoon telephone calls are taken 2PM – 6PM

The clinician of your choice will phone you back and may offer you a face to face appointment on the same day, if felt to be appropriate.

Please note we can only book on the day – you may be asked to phone on another day if you need a specific clinician, or we are up to capacity.

Home visit requests should be made before 11:30AM.

Practice Nurse, Health Care Assistant and Midwife appointments

These are available to book according to our timetable; this information is available via Reception.

Cancelling appointments

You can cancel your appointments online or the surgery has a dedicated line to enable patients to cancel their appointments. The number is 01455 237299Please note, this is an answer phone service only to cancel appointments and no other medical issues will be dealt with on this number.

Online queries/contacts can be accessed via the link below